3 Events That Brought Crypto Mainstream In 2022

In the beginning, crypto was something only a few people knew about.

Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner

People heard whispers about it, but it mainly existed in the dark alleys of the internet.

The following will highlight three major events linked to crypto that brought it to the masses in new and exciting ways.

#1 Canadian Truckers’ Warning Siren

Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner

The announcement reignited the passion for crypto, a kind of money that isn’t subject to seizure by the government.

Investing in cryptocurrency has always appealed to individuals who distrust governmental power. It makes sense that this hunger has increased.

#2 Crypto Amid War

The Ukrainian government raised more than $42 million in cryptocurrency in less than six days through crowdfunding. The government has accepted everything, from Bitcoin and Ether to even NFTs.

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