How To Start A Website In 10 Minutes: Best Passive Income Generator

Even if you have not lost your job, recessions are a great reminder to develop alternate income streams.

Why Start A Website

When we evaluate the various assets to own; online business is the best due to the risk/reward ratio.

Given the digital economy, more and more of our world will be moving online. Automated tools make it easy to start a website in 10 minutes with zero computer programing skills.

Experienced Edward – The CPA

Over a period of time, he notices that most of his tax advice is repetitive to his Real Estate clients. He starts a website and starts selling e-books containing the same advice.

While we may not agree with everything he says, there are nine decades of wisdom buried in Warren Buffett’s quotes.

Beginner Betty – The herb enthusiast

The pandemic work from home arrangement coupled with the lack of social outings; gives her enough time to get started.

Who Should Start A Website

Everyone should start a website. Whether you are a beginner or expert in your field or somewhere in between.

Skills Needed to Create A Website

The good news is that you do not need any fancy skills to start a website. One click install and drag and drop features now make it much easier than ever before.

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