How To Start Investing In Stocks: 7 Step Guide For Beginners

Legendary investor Warren Buffet’s quotes on investing encapsulate his 90 years of wisdom.

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He defined investing as “the process of laying out money now in the expectation of receiving more money in the future.”

To understand how to start investing in the stock market as a beginner, you need to have a plan in place.

Step 1: Define  Your Goals

1. Having a clear picture of why you are investing will make it easier to continue investing when the going gets tough

2) The goal will define your timeline and level of risk in your stock investing plan.

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Once you have your personal finance basics in place, determine your monthly cash flow and how much you can set aside every week or month to invest in stocks.

Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Invest

To learn how to invest in stocks, you need to research what to invest in. There are several methods to invest in the stock market.

Step 3: Define How You Want To Invest

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