Will Robots Take My Job? 3 Focus Areas For Future Survival

When we talk about the future of work and will robots take my job, we are referring to Automation.

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Low-income jobs most susceptible to automation are physical ones in predictable environments.

New England dairy farms are already using milking robots as per The Boston Fed.

When you buy a rental property as an investment; YOU are directly responsible for the investment returns.

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“The jobs that will go away are the jobs that are routine in nature,” says Joseph B. Fuller, professor of management practice at Harvard Business School.

We can easily automate the high-end job of a radiologist. MDs earning between $300K to $600K may soon find themselves unemployed.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, all in-person doctor visits have been discouraged. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is broadening the usage of telemedicine.

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