9 Financial Lessons From The Matrix

The Matrix movies have many lessons to teach us, from the nature of reality to fake news and much more.

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The Matrix also teaches us several financial lessons. Let us take a look at the nine economic introspections.

By now, everyone’s heard how important it is to keep an emergency fund, yet a large chunk of us don’t have it.

Life can throw all sorts of problems your way when you least expect it, which feels worst if you don’t have a fund ready to deal with it.

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One of many lessons on full display in the movie deals with having an emergency plan. As the protagonists went in and out of the Matrix, they had an escape route because they knew the Matrix was full of dangerous agents.

Someone from their group of revolutionists would guide them through the Matrix to safety. That is what this emergency fund is, except that financial catastrophes in the real world hunt you.

Mindful Spending

The other lesson embedded in the film has to do with understanding value. One of the villains in the story escaped the Matrix, but he hated reality.

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