High Rent City Exodus: Pivot Guide For Real Estate Investors

A common mistake most real estate investors make is that they get married to an asset class. Or a particular strategy. And never change when the market conditions change.

The ability to leverage, coupled with the favorable tax treatment, provides outsized returns for real estate investors

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Eviction moratoriums: Federal and state government

Some states are more tenant-friendly, and some are more landlord-friendly. This distinction was quite evident to real estate investors.

The recent CDC moratorium on eviction meant that even landlord-friendly states were not immune.

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Refinance The Federal Reserve has been lowering interest rates. Today we have low real yields comparable to high inflation periods and yet; a stable core CPI and low inflation expectations.

Tax planning Have a meeting with your CPA to explore additional tax saving strategies.

Out-of-state  rentals

The move to smaller, rural, and suburban communities is a real phenomenon, and investors need to think about their options.

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