Is San Francisco Real Estate Still A Good Investment?

Is San Francisco Real Estate still a good investment? And is now the right time to buy a house in San Francisco considering the impact of technology companies offering work from home option?

While home prices typically keep pace with inflation, the meteoric rise in San Francisco home prices has outpaced even the most optimistic expectations.

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Effect of Work From Home on the San Francisco Real Estate

Technology firms moving to a remote working environment would lower the salaries by having the option of hiring workers in different geographies.

Challenges of San Francisco

Lots of local businesses have shutdown and it is hard for new ones to open or operate due to onerous San Francisco regulations.

Still Bullish On San Francisco Real Estate

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Inspite of all the above mentioned issues; I am still bullish on the San Francisco Bay Area. We may not see the astronomical price increases; but I would not expect a substantial drop in value either.

Core Engineering Positions

Engineering positions will continue to be aligned with their head quarters. Having worked in large scale technology companies, I can’t see a scenario where scrum teams develop critical product features in a remote manner.

Social Activities Tied To Work

People pursuing Financial Freedom are an elite minority. Most people enjoy working; and in fact have a pretty active social life with their work friends.

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