How To Start A Website In 10 Minutes: Best Passive Income Generator

When we evaluate the various assets to own; online business is the best due to the risk/reward ratio.

The low cost to start an online business coupled with the opportunity for passive income make it an ideal diversified income source.

Experienced Edward – The CPA Based on his website he can market himself as a consultant to firms offering real estate crowdfunding.

Betty can start a blog and publish her tips and tricks. She does not have formal education like David the CPA; but results matter.

Beginner Betty – The herb enthusiast

Who Should Start A Website

Everyone should start a website. Whether you are a beginner or expert in your field or somewhere in between.

Skills  Needed to Create A Website

The good news is that you do not need any fancy skills to start a website. One click install and drag and drop features now make it much easier than ever before.

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