This has been a particularly tough year across the globe. With the pandemic, recession, protests it has been a challenge To Get Stuff Done Even When You Don’t Feel Like It.
The Financial Freedom Checklist reviews the main areas of earning, saving investing, tax planning and asset protection.
Layoffs usually involve corporations needing to trim fat. In good times; you can generally coast along and you won’t get pushback.Your goal is to be in the top quartile so your peers get the axe; and not you.
If you have already survived the first round of cuts, do not get complacent. Stocks markets have almost recovered; but the business sentiment is still weak.
Create Multiple Sources Of Income
Unfortunately, many business were not lucky enough to just survive by reducing their workforce. Some industries such as hospitality, travel, retail, etc were totally decimated.
Do not beat yourself up. Even though you did everything right, just by virtue of being in the wrong industry you suffered.
Software is eating the world. The entire world has moved online.
There is a lot of money being made by everyone moving online. Even something like fitness coaching to doctor visits can be done online. After this pandemic ends and we are able to resume our normal activities; the online behaviors developed will continue.
The pandemic and the government ordered closures across the globe have shown how business have been crushed for lack of funds. Individuals who have been ordered to shelter in place also suffered loss of wages.