How To Get Stuff Done Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Decision fatigue is a well-documented phenomenon which indicates our ability to make good decisions deteriorates after a long session of decision making.

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However, the researchers found that the choices made by judges are impacted most by how many prior decisions they have had to make.

Decision fatigue happens to all of us every day in our lives. Most days we are faced with thousands of decisions; ranging from something as small as what should I wear today; to bigger life changing decisions.

Why Is The Decision Fatigue Research Important For You?

Action Steps On How To Get Stuff Done

1. Define WHAT you want to achieve in the next 12 months.

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This could be anything from health to investing to a personal project. The goal is important because you want to make sure you have a true north as your guiding light.

 Define WHY you want to achieve it.

Things will get tough. If you define your WHY; it will help you stay focused. Don’t stop at the first why but instead dig deeper with additional why questions.

Break down your larger goal into bite size pieces. In the book “How to Eat an Elephant” Frank Wiginton highlights the ”one bite at a time” technique.

 How would you achieve this goal?

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