Why Residential Rental Property Investment Is No Longer A Good Idea

It is always great to have many streams of income, some active and some passive. After all, accumulating assets and avoiding liabilities is the secret to getting rich.

Rental Property investment has been high on the list of passive investments since automation will eventually result in robots taking your job.

Advantages Of Rental Property Investment

There are many benefits to buying rental property as an investment. When you consider the three types of income – earned, capital gains and passive;

While we may not agree with everything he says, there are nine decades of wisdom buried in Warren Buffett’s quotes.

Expenses In A Rental Property Investment

When buying a rental property as an investment; inexperienced landlords only focus on rent vs mortgage payment.

Exit Options For Rental Property Investment

Rental property investment is not very liquid like stocks. Also you cannot dollar cost average to reduce price volatility when buying a rental property investment.

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