Is San Francisco Real Estate Still A Good Investment?

While home prices typically keep pace with inflation, the meteoric rise in San Francisco home prices has outpaced even the most optimistic expectations.

Working From Home Permanently

As soon as several companies began offering the option to work from home permanently; employees considered the arbitrage opportunity.

Effect of Work From Home on the San Francisco Real Estate

While we may not agree with everything he says, there are nine decades of wisdom buried in Warren Buffett’s quotes.

Technology firms moving to a remote working environment would lower the salaries by having the option of hiring workers in different geographies.

Challenges of San Francisco

Lots of local businesses have shutdown and it is hard for new ones to open or operate due to onerous San Francisco regulations.

San Francisco has a distinct anti-tech bias. Although Uber and Airbnb were created in San Francisco; the city actively passed laws to hinder their growth.

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