What Is Excellent Credit And How You Can Improve Your Credit Score

It’s no secret that having a good credit score is essential. Your credit score can impact your ability to get a loan, a job, or even an apartment.

What  Is an Excellent Credit Score?

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An excellent credit score is the best credit score you can get in the credit scoring systems using the information in your credit reports.

The ranges differ depending on the scoring model, good credits ranging from 670 to 739; very good credit scores ranging from 740 to 799; and excellent credit scores at 800.

How Are Credit Scores Calculated?

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It means making your payments on time and trying to make them entirely. Any missed payments or credit write-offs will negatively impact your credit score

Payment History

Credit  Utilization Ratio

 A lower credit utilization rate shows that you regularly pay your credit and don’t take on too much debt.

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