When Can I Retire? 4 Focus Areas To Help You

All of us have had bad days at work when nothing seems to go right. Frustrated with everything, we begin to wonder, “when can I retire?”.

Run your numbers through the best retirement calculators and figure out what you want to do in retirement.

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How To Decide When To Retire

Financial As long as you have accumulated enough income-producing assets, you are no longer dependent on your job for your expenses.


Many individuals have their identity tied to work. When you meet strangers at a party, the first few questions revolve around “what do you do for work.”

Make sure you are mentally prepared for the loss of identity.

Social Circle

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Would you miss your coworkers after you retire? If yes, how do you plan to stay in touch with them? Do you have another circle of friends to spend time in retirement?

Retirement Activities

Although you want to run away from your job towards retirement, the answer to when can you retire should also be based on what you want to do in retirement

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