Why Residential Rental Property Investment Is No Longer A Good Idea

It is always great to have many streams of income, some active and some passive. After all, accumulating assets and avoiding liabilities is the secret to getting rich.

Advantages Of Rental Property Investment

When you consider the three types of income – earned, capital gains and passive; we find that passive income ranks higher than earned income.


Rental property is not co-related to the stock market. One can achieve a fair level of diversification with stock like returns.

Familiarity With The Investment

If one has already purchased their home; then it is a quick learning curve with rental investment properties.

While we may not agree with everything he says, there are nine decades of wisdom buried in Warren Buffett’s quotes.

Buy With Leverage

Rental property investments are great because you can borrow money and leverage it to buy property.

You Control Your Investment

When you buy a rental property as an investment; YOU are directly responsible for the investment returns.

Cash Flow

Rental properties provide a steady cash flow. Rental income generates a passive income stream .

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