Will Robots Take My Job? 3 Focus Areas For Future Survival

If you are wondering will robots take my job, the short answer is YES!

The time frame, though, depends on what kind of job you are currently doing. And how it would change going forward.

If your job is labor-intensive and at the bottom of the labor pool, automation will make you redundant.

Technology will replace human workers, which has been a known fact for several years. As automation picked up and assembly lines became more common, we lost a lot of jobs.

While we may not agree with everything he says, there are nine decades of wisdom buried in Warren Buffett’s quotes.

With machine learning and pattern matching, the future of work looks grimmer.

We should be prepared for current jobs, which are also highly paid, using robotics to replace human employment.

If you are already wondering, how likely will robots take my job? The answer depends if your job can be automated.

Detroit faced job cuts brought about by automation.

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